Monday 19 March 2012

Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma Album Review

Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma (2012) 

Hail Spirit Noir are a Psychedelic Black Metal/Occult/Prog Rock Band from Greece

The members are:

Haris - synths // Theoharis - guitars, vocals // Dim - bass, acoustic guitars

Hail Spirit Noir are a Occult Based Rock band gaining fame for their unique take on music. They primarily fuse Psych Rock, Black Metal, Prog Rock within a great bleak Occult Rock tone.

Hail Spirit Noir can be classed in same league of bands such as Ghost, Ancient Vvisdom and HUATA bringing Occult Rock back to the masses. But these guys are more psychedelic and more progressive on a grander scale.

Their debut album “Pneuma” is a 6 song and 35 minute blast of far out there psych black-metal/prog-rock riffs. And it’s utterly spellbinding from start to finish. Hail Spirit Noir are the most out of there of the new recent occult rock bands.

As they sound like the warped offspring of Opeth, The Doors and Merciful Fate. Pneuma blends 60s/70s psych rock with elements of modern day Black Metal blended with spell-binding occult rock.

If that description doesn’t get you hooked nothing will. It’s the best description I can think of.

The album is full of far-out-there awesome bleak based occult riffs and the vocals are simply a masterclass that transcends so many genres.

Parts Mikael Åkerfeldt, King Diamond and Jim Morrison all rolled into one. These guys even add orchestral arrangements and ambient soundscapes into the same song. It shouldn’t work as it’s all over the place but Hail Spirit Noir pull this off with brilliant ease.

You might think I might be on a trip of my own. I am not. This is one album that is very hard to describe and one you have to listen to for yourself. It’s simply a brilliant album to listen to over and over again. It will take you multiple listens to get the full picture of this amazing album. A

It’s just a wild psych-prog-occult rock ride with a great black metal atmosphere driving it through.

The album is brilliantly produced and is probably the best produced album I have heard this year. As it blends it many genres and ambient effects brilliantly well that you never get lost or bored in listening to them.

You can hear every twisted note brilliantly well. This is one ride you want to take over and over again.

The standout track on this amazing album is the 13:21 minute epic song “Into The Gates Of Time”. A song that transcends the rock spectrum to take you into another dimension with relevant ease. This is where the band show their most creative work as it is full of truly original riffs and effects that will have you begging for more.

So what more can I say. This is probably the one of the most original and out there records I have heard in recent years.

All in all a truly brilliant album I urge you all to check out now. This is already receiving huge praise and it’s not hard to see why. Come and join the party. You won’t regret it. Simply Awesome and Highly Recommended.

Check This Great Band Below:
